

I am really enjoying FB, I see a lot more negativity than I would like to and sadly much comes from the younger generation. I of course can vaguely recall my youth and remember that by the age of 16 my friends and I had solved all the problems in the world and did not quite get why so called adults struggled with this. So yeah, I recall the young's needs, longings and just sheer know it allness.(yes, I do know there is no such word, my blog-my rules)

Of course it could be that as I have gotten older I have come to realize that the things I once thought were earth shattering are just not worth the fight. I have loved and lost so many that the ones I have are all that more precious to me. But sadly for you my readers, which there really does not appear to be any, I have not lost my desire to share "my great wisdom" so bear/bare whichever with me while I climb my soapbox.

I recently read a post where someone who I am sure was well meaning said basically that only through good works would you enter into Heaven. This is something that was preached to me my whole life and I want to tell you right here and now THAT IS JUST WRONG!!!!

There is only one way and that is through the belief that Christ died at Calvary so that your sins would be forgiven...... Yes, once you are one with God you will want to do good works and be a better person, if not then you are not really one with Him. But that is the problem with Christians today they never find the true peace and joy because other Christians are giving them all these rules about what they have to do and when they fail to live up to these rules, because we are human, they feel that they have let God down and will now be doomed to hell.

If that were the case, then why would Christ have gone to the cross? I have to tell you I struggled for years trying to do the right thing and failing. Trying to follow all these rules. It was not until I understood the message of the Cross that I found peace beyond understanding and joy.

Please don't take my word for it or anyone else's, read Romans Chapters 6,7 & 8. I will climb off my soapbox for now and if you feel that I am wrong then please let me know, but I will refer to my owners manual so you better be able to back it up.



I joined Facebook a while back but was hesitant to use it for many reasons. But I kept getting invites to be friends on Facebook and it seemed no one was ever on MySpace anymore, so I reluctantly went there and as usually happens with something new I am having a great time with a new toy that has lots of gadgets and places to explore

It was during one of my explorations that I found a Pastor (whose local church broadcast in my area on Sundays) was on facebook. On the surface I was delighted since he holds most of the same views as me about what a Church and a faith walk should be.

I would like to apologize to him in case he ever reads this, because it took me 2 days to send him a friend request and there were moments that I was not sure I wanted him as a friend. All the while this poor man, who does not even know me, is going about his life without a clue. By the time my brain was through with him I had turned him into a cross between God and Santa Claus.

My first thought was, what will he think of my friends, I am happy with my friends, but would he see them through my eyes or judge them by the language they use or the number of tatoos or piercings they have. So I did a quick scan of my wall and was alarmed to find that not only was he going to be judging my friends, but there were comments from their friends as well and some of their friends used worse language, had more piercings, tatoos, strange hair colors, all things that don't really bother me, but he has no right to judge these people based on how they look and speak, he should get to know the people behind these mask, he would be surprised at the sheer goodness of many of these people.

Then I realized he would be able to go to my blog and see the good, bad, and ugly the real me.... I have written nothing I am ashamed of but here he comes with his list and that frown I grew to hate, checking off all my sins, judging me without knowing me. Who on earth does this man think he is anyway. I was really not liking him.

I went to his notes to see what evil he was saying about others, he had not hidden it there for anyone to find, but worse he had another diabolical test a plot to see what kind of evil music I listened to....Who is he to judge, here comes that evil grin, and the check off list I want to snatch from his hands and slap him upside the head a couple of times with.

So I raced to my list of music to see what evil dwelled there. Thank goodness I had not gotten around to loading Strokin, by Clarence Carter yet, but how would I explain the rest of my song choices to this list maker with the evil grin.

Then I remembered an article I had read a few years ago about how a Pastors wife is often ostrasized in church, how people judge her as being holier than thou and will seldom sit next to her in church for fear of her judgement on them. How the only people who ever invite the preacher and his familly over are the ones who are sure their home and life will hold up to the scrutiny of these greatly judgmental people.

I thought about who really judges me, my actions and my friends. I asked myself if I really thought he was this kind of a person, would I even think of sending him a friend request.

Then I asked myself why when so many Pastor's are condemning facebook and other social sites, why did he join facebook? Did I truly believe that I would admire a man like that, did I not know myself better than that?

I have no intention of asking him these questions and yes I do know me better than that. I think that he joined facebook not to sit in judgement but to meet with people of all different walks of life, like my friends and theirs. I think he wants to get to know the real people behind the masks we all wear. Not to judge them but to love them as the truly unique people that I see through my eyes.

I love all my friends, including him. And the only person doing any judging here is sadly me! Oh I can try to fool myself into believeing I am trying to protect my friends but the truth is I did not want someone I admire to think badly of me. We have all been guilty of this and I plan on trying to strive to give people a chance and not assume that someone I like is that different than me because, they have a strange hair color, those huge holes in their ears, questionable language and friends or they preach in a church!





































Formula for Completing Your Bucket List

First. Decide what you want.
Second. Create specific, measurable, time-bound goals.
Third. Know why you want to achieve each goal.
Fourth. Set an empowering belief.
Fifth. Commit focus and attention to your goal.
Sixth. Take the most obvious actions to achieve your goal.
Seventh. Measure and monitor your progress, adjusting your actions to realign with your goal.
I couldn't find what I was looking for but in the search saw this and since a Bucket List was something I had recently been discussing with my grandson. I thought I'd check it out to see if they had any good suggestions. I would not recommend anyone following these seven steps, to me they seem to defeat the whole purpose of a Bucket List, just reading it bored me to tears.
My problem with creating a Bucket List is this, I have already done many of the things that I would have put on a Bucket List! Or maybe it's just that my life is so satisfying to me, though most viewing it would pity me thinking how could someone with so little be happy!
My life is filled with so much joy, material things have no meaning to me. I started giving away "things" a couple of years ago when God showed me that things are not the way to find joy. Something I have known for years and have preached to my daughter all her life, but, there was still a few things I could not give up, I wanted to hold on to them until the last breath instead of passing them to others who might enjoy them. I still find myself holding on to something not wanting to share with others my joy. But finding so much more joy when I give them to others. Strangely my thoughts are the hardest things to give up and to share.
I am not saying you should embrace this or that it is the right choice for everyone, this is about me!
But back to my Bucket List issues! The only thing I could think of I plan on doing within the next year and that is to return to the Grand Canyon to spend a little more time sitting on the rim enjoying one of God's most beautiful creations, a living work of art that just leaves me in breathless awe!
Since I decided to let God direct my life I've learned to wait, knowing that as He wills so my life will go and it has been an amazing journey. If God decides to send a man to share my life with then I know he will be someone who will bring me great joy and I will enjoy that relationship. NO SAM (my daughter who would love to see that happen) I am not searching for a man or a relationship.
If God chose to give me millions I would enjoy giving it away.
Whatever His will is for my life I have learned that even when at first it may break my heart it is always for my best. Who needs a Bucket List?

Erma Bombeck

I ran across this and reread it for about the hundredth time. It always brings tears to my eyes, not for Erma who has gone on to a better place, but for all those who will read it thinking what a great thought but never following through, never taking the time to STOP! http://www.squidoo.com/ermabomback

If I Had My Life to Live Over- by Erma Bombeck
Passing the Purple Hat to You IN honor of Women's History Month and in memory of Erma Bombeck who lost her fight with cancer. Here is an 'angel' sent to watch over you. Pass this on to five women that you want watched over. If you don't know five women to pass this on to, one will do just fine.

(written after she found out she was dying from cancer).

I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day. I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage. I would have talked less and listened more. I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, or the sofa faded. I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace. I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth. I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband. I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been done. I would have sat on the lawn with my kids and not worried about grass stains. I would have cried and laughed less while watching television and more while watching life. I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime. Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle. When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, 'Later. Now go get washed up for dinner.' There would have been more 'I love you's' More 'I'm sorry's.' But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute; look at it and really see it . I would live it and never give it back. STOP SWEATING THE SMALL STUFF!!!

Don't worry about who doesn't like you, who has more, or who's doing what. Instead, let's cherish the relationships we have with those who do love us.

If you don't mind, send this link on to all the women you are grateful to have as friends. Maybe we should all grab that purple hat earlier. Please send this to five phenomenal women today in celebration of Beautiful Women's Month. If you do, something good will happen--you will boost another woman's self esteem.I hope you have a blessed day.