

I was reading "Why is it so hard to sit still" by Marcus Buckley this morning and was reminded of a recent time when as often happens my mind was flooded with this lovely vision of steps leading up to the Cross in my Memory Garden (sounds better than it looks)

So even though I just had a slope to work with, a shovel and no money, I started to dig.  I figured that if I just took away everything that did not look like a step, I would have steps left, yeah!  So when that did not work a couple of days and blisters later, I went to the internet.  No help there.

I have got to tell you I was doing some powerful fussing at God asking Him why he would give me this beautiful idea and no ability to create it, I pointed out to him all the people in the Bible He had given visions to HE GAVE THEM DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS!  Why was He picking on me.

Well, by the end of the week all I had was a mess, my grandson was over and I was tattling to him about how God picked on me all week, fussing about how when God told Noah to build an Ark he gave him such clear instructions that you could go to the Bible to this day and by those instructions build an Ark.

I don't think my grandson will go build an Ark, but he did not know the directions were there in the Bible and maybe someday he will go look them up and fall in love with Gods word as I have.

So, I gave thanks and praise to God for the week I had spent reviewing His words and the opportunity to share His wisdom.  (Still think He picks on me)


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