

I am a dreamer both in my sleeping hours and while awake.  I love being a dreamer, even though often my dreams are,  just dreams.  God never promised he would make all my dreams come true, he promised to look out for me, to lead me in the path He has planned for my life.

I have had moments where I ranted, raved, and just generally pitched a tantrum when God did not see fit to grant one of my dreams-life...  But like any good parent God has shown me that sometimes the dream was not in my best interest, was not the direction my path was going. 

It is only in following God's path, His will, His way, that dreams I thought were to big to dream, dreams I did not even dream, have been given to me. 

So follow your dreams, but listen to God, He will never lead you astray!

The following link inspired my thoughts of dreams.  His words of encouragement are great and well worth your time to read.  I dream someday of being able to inspire others through my words as he does through his.............


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