
Our Greatest Gift


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Atheism, in a broad sense, is the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. Most inclusively, atheism is simply the absence of belief that any deities exist. Atheism is contrasted with theism, which in its most general form is the belief that at least one deity exists.


I woke this morning thinking of God's love, how blessed I am.  I seem to be running across many professed atheist lately, spreading their hate and anger on the pages of believers.  Lashing out at people they do not know,  their words meant to hurt, to cause doubt, to make people of faith question their beliefs.

I have prayed and asked God why, what is this need that drives them to search out people of faith.  I just could not understand such a driving need in them that they feel compelled time after time to attack people of faith.  I was at a loss, I have never felt the need to try to force my belief on anyone.  I certainly know that people need to know my God, the love of Jesus and the sacrifice He made for us...  I think that perhaps more than anyone out there they need to know that they are not to far gone for redemption, that the same God that loves and forgives me will also forgive them. 

They cannot confuse or move people of faith for what we feel for them is love.  We see the lost soul, crying out in need, searching not really to condemn us, but feeling their own condemnation and reaching out to the warmth of the love that they can see in us, but like the children they are they lash out in anger because we have what they want but fear they never will have.

KAREN'S DEFINITION OF AN ATHEIST:  Atheist are people who feel their sins are so great, that they cannot believe any God could forgive them, who lash out in anger and fear, at others who have what they fear can never be theirs.

We should love these people, reach out to them in love, let them know that we see the confusion behind their words of anger, the fear.  Let them know that they too can know the love we have, that no sin is to great to overcome the love Jesus has for them. 

Our greatest gift is Love!

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